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A great day to see deer friends! 🦌
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Oh deer..
We’re so enchanted!
Mankind’s fascination with the deer has long been present since prehistoric times. Each culture has their own symbolism and meaning for deer and have created a rich seam of myths and symbols that furnish our imagination.
In ancient Celtic culture, the deer was symbolic to fairies and ancient divinities, and may have led to the traditional belief of deer pulling Santa’s sleigh. In China, the deer is a sign of good luck, happiness, longevity, and fortune. For Native Americans, the deer is a symbol of continuity, prosperity, and abundance.
What’s even more interesting is how resilient these gentle creatures actually are, surviving the harshest weather conditions. In the fall, deer shed their summer hair coat for a winter one, which absorbs more sunlight and traps more body heat than the summer coat, and provides an extraordinary amount of protection from the cold.
While we hunker down inside, get a glimpse of gentle deer through this drawing. It is said that if you see a deer, it’s as though the universe wants you to stop what you’re doing and just be in the moment.
So grab your coloring mediums and bask in the creatively blissful moment this drawing can give you!
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